We use TruGolf simulators with the industry leading E6Golf software. Our enclosures are custom built (11.5 ft tall, 18 ft deep, 15 ft wide) to accommodate any golfer. TruGolf provides the best graphics along with the most accurate course information. Watch as the wind blows through the trees, the clouds cross the sky and even the shadows dance across the ground. The player controls all the course conditions including wind, weather and time of day. Various settings allow each group to change green speeds, fairway firmness, gimmie range and format of play.
If you are looking for information on your swing then simply spend some time on the range. Here you will find accurate information on every stroke you make. The feedback from the range will include total yards, carry yards, launch angle, backspin, sidespin, clubpath, face angle deviation and averages. Get the true distance and performance of each club in your bag or compare clubs against one another. Rates for range time or playing are the same.
Check out some TruGolf links to learn more information about our setup!
E6Golf Software
TruTrac Tools to record statistics